Tag Archives: West

Medicine Wheel Creation Part 3 – Stone Selection and Positioning

Selecting stones to build the Medicine Wheel is the next important step. I like to use indigenous rocks, but you can also use crystals. I use different crystals for their qualities (The Crystal Bible) and how those qualities can be used to hold the Medicine of the directions.

To create the large outdoor Earth Medicine Wheel, I used primarily indigenous rocks (in Wisconsin we have quartzite). A few of the stones were given to me by my parents and other stones came from other states we have lived in. There are a total of 49 stones of large, medium and small sizes. Each stone was asked if it was willing to participate in the Medicine Wheel and if it was willing to hold the intention of the Wheel. Each stone was also asked which energies of the direction they would lie in. The questions are asked individually to each stone. Place your hands on the individual stone to ask them the question. Then, wait for the response, you will feel the yes or the no. If you receive a no response, honor the stones decision and ask the next stone.

I purchased the largest stones from a local landscaping business (if you know someone with field stones you may not have to purchase large stones). Paul and I were very busy during this time. I knew the Medicine Wheel was to be completed at the Summer Solstice, June 21. Paul, volunteered to help.  For me, it was a lesson in letting go of control and to be open to receiving. I also remembered this Medicine Wheel is for All of us. So, I asked Paul to assist with the selection and buying of the large stones. I texted him the questions to ask each of the stones that attracted him. Paul came home with 5 stones. He said one of the stones had a very strong pull and loud/strong yes even though it was the fifth stone. He listened to his intuition and bought the fifth stone.

I smudged each stone with cedar (cedar is used by the Potawatomi people much like white sage is used for the Great Plains tribal Nations). Prior to placing the stone in its positions they agreed to hold. I also placed tobacco down where the stone would sit. The tobacco held prayers for the stone to hold the energy of that particular direction and also gratefulness for the stone’s assistance. The placement of the stones takes some time and it is not to be rushed through. So take your time and enjoy the communion with the Stone People.

The 5th stone had a special energy and was meant to hold the energy of the center of the Medicine Wheel. I generally leave the center open or place a fire there for certain ceremonies. After I placed the stone in the center, I was reminded of how the Peruvian Medicine People place a stone in the center called Pachumama. Also, recently the Mayan Council of Elders released a statement that we, Native People, now have 5 elements. This change is a part of the new energy, the New Earth, and the beginning of the New Cycle. This fifth element is Spirit. As I knelt with my hands on this center stone, I felt completeness of laying of stones ceremony.

Here is the layout of the Earth Medicine Wheel Stones. (Remember each stone agreed to hold the Medicine of that particular place on the Wheel):

4 large stones to hold the energies of the 4 cardinal directions on the outside ring of the Medicine Wheel.

4 smaller stones holding the energies on the inner circle of the Medicine Wheel.

1 stone for the Center.

24 small stones (black dots) – 4 placed between the large stone holding the East Medicine on the outside ring and the smaller stone hold the East Medicine on the inside ring; 4 placed between the large stone holding the South Medicine on the outside ring and the smaller stone holding the South Medicine on the inside ring; 4 placed between the large stone holding the West Medicine on the outside ring and the smaller stone holding the West Medicine on the inside circle; 4 placed between the large stone holding the North Medicine on the outside ring and the smaller stone holding the North Medicine on the inside ring.

4 smaller stones for the crosswinds (yellow dots). Place 1 stone halfway between the East and South and half way to the center; place 1 stone halfway between the South and West and half way to the center; place 1 stone halfway between the West and North and half way to the center; place 1 stone halfway between the North and East and half way to the center.

8 small stones – 2 placed on the outer ring between the East and South; 2 placed between South and West; 2 placed between West and North; 2 placed between North and East.

4 small stones for the inner circle – 1 placed between the East and South; 1 placed between South and West; 1 placed between West and North; and 1 placed between North and South.

Once all the stones are in the place, take a deep breath and look at the Medicine Wheel. You can feel the stableness of the stones. The next step is to wake up the stones. This waking up process is activating the altar. The activation or waking up is done through ceremony.

In the next blog for Creating a Medicine Wheel, I will share with you the Waking Up Ceremony. Until then…good reading.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright, Yvette Neshi Lokotz, Sept 2011

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